Proxy Resource Center

Proxy Resource Center

Welcome to SIFMA’s Proxy Resource Center.

As a shareholder, you are part-owner of a company and that company’s management has a responsibility to be accountable to you. You have an important voice in influencing policies that impact shareholder value, the culture of the company and the effect the company has on the world around it.

Proxy Process - arrow down

On behalf of the financial services industry, the underwriters for public companies in the financial markets, SIFMA is proud to offer this comprehensive guide to the proxy election process on the importance of the individual investors’ participation.

Barchart pie 



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Industry Basics

How is the U.S. Financial Industry Regulated?

The financial regulatory system has federal, state, and private institutions. Generally, federal regulators deal with national issues and state regulators operate in their jurisdictions.  


Industry Glossary

Know the terms.
Understand the industry.


Market Data